Friday, 27 June 2014

Introduction to me!

Friday, 27 June 2014

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
I thought I'd start with a bit about me, but then I also thought I'd be able to include a more detailed description in a separate page. My name is Summer (like the season) and I'm nineteen living in the south-west of England which is full of beautiful countryside and lovely little villages. I will share with you my adventures and visits to vintage fairs and car boots as well as share with you the designing of my bedroom and home. 

I've started this blog with the intention of sharing all the beautiful vintage and modern styled vintage things and places I visit and photograph and sharing them with all of you lovely people but I'd love to here of your adventures and suggestions. Please feel free at any point to contact me and get in touch! I love hearing from people who share my interests and passions! You can contact me using the ask function on here, or if you have some long drawn out question/comment I would be happy to receive an email to

I thought for my first ever post on here I would share with you a photograph taken of myself and my boyfriend taken when we recently visited The Vatican in Rome, Italy. You can definitely expect more pictures from this beautiful place in the near future!

I am also selling some vintage and other clothes pieces on an app called vinted - here  But bare in mind not all these pieces are vintage. Here is my instagram which is mostly just random photographs I take through-out my days. 

~ vintageek 

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