Friday, 27 June 2014

My Bedroom

Friday, 27 June 2014

I thought I'd start off my first proper post (that is if you don't count that trip hazard introduction I gave you) with a little tour around my bedroom. I believe a persons bedroom can tell you a lot about their style, what they value and about them as people so hopefully this will give you some insight into me as a person, and perhaps some ideas about how you might want to use those lovely vintage finds. 

The photograph above is of my bed side, the bookcase was something my dad gave me, I always meant to paint it white but never got round to it. If you can see it's host to a tiny black fabric dog who is named Ralph sat atop one of my many little boxes (this is one of which I locked and then someone threw away the key!) The bed is also quite old, I believe its of french origin and somehow made its way to me after a series of events and so it has flaked cream paint showing through a sort of bronze coloring. The bedding I'm currently using is blue and white pin striped, lord alive if I remembered where I brought it I'd tell you but I'm currently in the process of acquiring a stag print set which may add a little more interest. The poster above is a map of the UK and Ireland which is such a beautiful color I just couldn't bare to part with it!

This is my bedside table, it's not the traditional little stand with a lamp placed on it. I actually fell in love with these suitcases at a vintage market and had to take them home with me. I had them stacked on my wardrobe for a little while before eventually deciding they made the perfect bedside table and are great as extra storage! I placed a tray that I acquired from a very un-inspired trip to IKEA and the Angle-pose lamp I was given by my mother which is temperamental but I love it anyway. The toy featured in this picture (yes there are many more) belonged to my dad and it was handed down to me after he passed away. 

This is by FAR my favorite piece of furniture, it was brought at an auction in my local town and despite it's large (and extremely heavy) size I have never been able to bare parting with it. It's full to the brim with clothes and I often have to move a lot over to my wardrobe to keep the drawers from bowing under the pressure!! (tell me someone else has this problem?!) My wallpaper was Laura Ashley but brought a long time ago and I will hate to see it go when I move in a few weeks! 

On this side you can see two pictures, both are personal and lovely, my mother hates putting family photos up in the house, but I like having a few important ones in my bedroom just to surround me with the people I love. I also have my elephant who currently doesn't have a name (any naming suggestions for this little velvet elephant?) and my panda who's called Paul. Beneath my drawers I have three old wooden palettes that I use to store my jewelry and make-up! I brought these at a vintage fair a few years back and they only cost me £1 for all three!

This is my lovely fireplace (unfortunately blocked in as its unused now!). On it I have Leopold the Leopard and Alistair the Lion who where my first ever vintage creatures. In the middle I have an original painting by an unknown artist of two pink bowed kittens it was brought for me by my parents as an 18th birthday present! In the middle I have to Victorian esk dog figures and a lovely vanilla infuser. Either side are just a two of my many electric (yes electric) vanilla scented candles which were possibly the best thing I ever acquired. 

Here is my lovely wardrobe where I house all my most favorite things (shoes, clothes, bags, etc..). Unfortunately it is far to big to come with me when I move and has already been claimed by the people buying my house! (who wouldn't its so beautiful!). It has a key to lock and use as a handle and a mirrored front which is perfect for me! It also is supposed to have a detailing on the top but it had to be removed as it just wouldn't fit otherwise! 

Here is just one of the two beautiful sash windows in my room! All original wood from when the house was built two hundred years ago its sill is now host to my lovely money tree and roses and my old books including a copy of alice in wonderland! 

I'm pretty sure that concludes my room tour (though really it doesn't cover half of the things I have in there!) Unfortunately I'll be moving in a matter of weeks to a much small room but that does mean I get the fun of redecorating! I'm currently on the look out for a stag skull complete with antlers and a few old foxed mirrors (why do people feel that such mirrors are 'dirty' BLASPHEMY). 

If you have any ideas/questions or comments let me know! 

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