Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Things You Should Never Say to an Artist

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

1) "My kid could do that."// "I could do that" 

2) "Art isn't a 'real' course" 

3) "Being an Artist isn't a real job" 

4) "I don't get your work but good for you for doing what you want"

5) "You're an artist? Do you paint?" | There are so many different mediums. I am a painter by definition of my selected course path way but I've also used loads of other mediums (for example egg yolk and flour).

6) "Have you sold anything yet?" 

7) "Can I have some free art?" 

8) "What does this mean?" | What do YOU think it means?

9) Whilst looking at art - "This is nice." | Please elaborate.

10) "You can use a photoshop filter to do that exact same thing!" 

12) "Why does this cost so much!?" | An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

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